Sectors Engagement Working Group


Establish and maintain relationships and consistent flow of communication between leaders of the bridging field and leaders of non-bridging sectors in order to offer and implement bridging as an asset in new spaces for broader audience reach and impact. 

2023 Accomplishments

  • Working Group launched as a response to the catalyst provided by National Week of Conversation and the clear desire for more coordinated and intentional engagement of bridging organizations into different sectors.

  • Identified 13 specific sectors that may be relevant and feasible for BMAC to focus on in 2024.

    • Activist, Business, Entertainment & Culture, Faith, Healthcare, Higher Education, K-12 / Civic Education, Mediators, Political, Public Institutions (Libraries, Museums, Etc.), Service, Veterans

  • Established a structure for the Working Group to ensure engagement not only from bridging field leaders, but also engagement from non-bridging sector leaders who can help connect BMAC to networks / audiences we previously have not had access to.

Next Steps

  • Identify ‘Ambassadors’ of each sector (at least one BMAC member and one non-BMAC sector leader per sector) to participate in the Working Group.

  • Develop a set of baseline questions for each sector that will allow BMAC to understand the sectors’ relationship to bridging orgs, sectors’ application of bridging practices, and the sectors’ own goals. 

  • Discuss best structure for meetings of the Sectors Engagement Working Group to keep communication flowing about how bridging is advancing in these adjacent sectors, and opportunities for discussion / knowledge sharing / collaboration to improve engagement and broad mobilization.

Opportunities for BMAC Members to Contribute in 2024

  • Serve as a “Bridging Ambassador” to a particular sector (WG: Sectors Engagement)

  • Nominate / Facilitate connections to sector leaders who may serve as “Ambassadors” of their sector to BMAC (WG: Sectors Engagement)

  • Create new pathways and initiatives that connect BMAC to specific sector audiences (WG: Sectors Engagement)


Karissa Raskin (Listen First Project) & TBD

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